Saturday, April 25th
It Doesn’t Not Work Day One
o 1PM: Doors Open and the Weekend Commences: peruse the space, looking at and feeling up the boards, surfcraft and design ideas. Be sure to pick up a copy of WAX Magazine's incredibly designed IDNW catalogue zine to guide you through the story. Talk to someone!
o 7:30PM: Film Screening: A Day Late & A Dollar Short & Slideways.
o 10PM: After Party Drinks at The Crown Victoria
(60 S 2nd St. Brooklyn, NY 11249)
Sunday, April 26th
It Doesn’t Not Work Day Two
o 11AM: Show Opens : peruse the space, looking at and feeling up the alaias, paipos, handplanes, surfboards and flights of fancy. Be sure to pick up a copy of WAX Magazine's impeccably crafted IDNW catalogue zine to guide you through the story. Talk story!
o 12ishPM: Shapers BBQ (Weather permitting): we'll have a couple Weber grills going on the front sidewalk. Feel free to show up with your desired grilling substance! And be prepared to share.
o 4PM: Closing of It Doesn’t Not Work: we send you and the boards home and clean up your mess.
And don't forget... Friday night the 24th we present Jair Bortoleto's "Layers" and zine launch from 6-10 PM