Hello all who participated or helped out with this years It Doesn't Not Work!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for making this years IDNW show an incredible success! An event is only as good as those who participate in it. This year was an incredible crop of shapers and we were honored and stoked to have you participate in the show. There is something wonderful about bringing like minded people together. I hope all of you keep in touch with each other and to see future collaborations and ideas being shared.
I want to just thank all of those who worked behind the scenes to make this event possible.
I first want to acknowledge Andreea Waters for the incredible photo show on Friday and her bottomless well of enthusiasm. These events are always better when you are around.
Thank you Johnny Knapp for contacting all the shapers and putting together an incredible catalog of interviews with all these great shapers. Your questions and insight were immensely helpful and thank you for all your hard work.
David Yun and Zak Klauck for designing the It Doesn't Not Work Zine/Catalog. We are extremely fortunate to have your skills and talent involved in our little event. You guys did an amazing job and I can't wait to hang this years zine up on the wall! Epic!
I really want to thank Des, our right hand woman! Des, you kept Toddy and I on track and organized. Your stoke, enthusiasm, and positivity helped make this years event extra special. All the shapers should thank you for all your hard work.
We can't thank everyone enough for making this event such a success. We look forward to seeing you all next year and hopefully before then! If any of you ever need anything, please feel free to contact any one of use at IDNW, anytime. We are always keen to help!
Thank you all. Hope to see you in the water soon.
Tyler Breuer