¡IDNW5 2018!

It Doesn't Not Work V:
The Alternative Surf Craft Show

May 4th, 2018- Brooklyn, NY: CALLING ALL SURF CRAFT SHAPERS! The fifth annual It Doesn’t Not Work surfboard show’s call for submissions is now officially open! Bring out your most creative and boldest designs. The It Doesn’t Not Work Surfboard show is moving dates and location for 2018. The fifth installment of IDNW will take place September 14th-16th at the Rockaway Beach Surf Club in Rockaway Beach. After four years at Picture Farm Gallery, SMASH Productions & Picture Farm Productions are expanding the show to offer new opportunities for shapers and attendees to experience the craft of surfboard shaping. Live shaping demos and close proximity to the beach will allow participants to truly test out some of the creations.

It Doesn’t Not Work will be a weekend pop-up event filled with conversation, mind expansion, film screenings, prizes, and beer! The process of surf craft design is not one limited to the big machines of the surf industry, or solely belonging to the heralded masters of the craft, it is a living folk art on an equally democratic level. Join us in the continually evolving conversation between local craftsman and the sea… and the creations that relationship spawns.

Send us your designs: Submit your wildest and most experimental boards, alaias, handplanes, paipos and as-yet-to-be-named experiments for display. Extra points if you've built more than one, have revised the design and can show the evolution!

Submissions: Go to http://itdoesntnotwork.com/submission/ to submit your wave riding apparatus. Submissions end September 1st, 2018. Please include images of each entry and please be sure to include a description of the design.



IDNW Co-Founders Ty Breuer and Toddy Stewart have been featured in Ice Cream Headaches, a coffee table book about NY/NJ surfers by photographer Julian Roubinet and writer Ed Thompson. Order a copy for your growing library of surfy tomes.


We are excited to announce IDNW has been included in the FBB Volume 3, a magazine lovingly crafted out of Portugal by the surf brand Fly Black Bird. The article includes an introductions by photographer Andreea Waters and IDNW co-founder Ty Breuer and an interview with IDNW co-founder Toddy Stewart. The magazine is massive, wonderfully printed and bound and a heavy work of art. Order one online!





Photos of Andreea Waters' SURF NYC photobook launch courtesy of Jim Metzger 



Hello all who participated or helped out with this years It Doesn't Not Work! 

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for making this years IDNW show an incredible success! An event is only as good as those who participate in it. This year was an incredible crop of shapers and we were honored and stoked to have you participate in the show. There is something wonderful about bringing like minded people together. I hope all of you keep in touch with each other and to see future collaborations and ideas being shared. 

I want to just thank all of those who worked behind the scenes to make this event possible. 

I first want to acknowledge Andreea Waters for the incredible photo show on Friday and her bottomless well of enthusiasm. These events are always better when you are around. 

Thank you Johnny Knapp for contacting all the shapers and putting together an incredible catalog of interviews with all these great shapers. Your questions and insight were immensely helpful and thank you for all your hard work. 

David Yun and Zak Klauck for designing the It Doesn't Not Work Zine/Catalog. We are extremely fortunate to have your skills and talent involved in our little event. You guys did an amazing job and I can't wait to hang this years zine up on the wall! Epic! 

I really want to thank Des, our right hand woman! Des, you kept Toddy and I on track and organized. Your stoke, enthusiasm, and positivity helped make this years event extra special. All the shapers should thank you for all your hard work. 

We can't thank everyone enough for making this event such a success. We look forward to seeing you all next year and hopefully before then! If any of you ever need anything, please feel free to contact any one of use at IDNW, anytime. We are always keen to help! 

Thank you all. Hope to see you in the water soon. 



Tyler Breuer 


Over at the Instagram feed we'll continue to update photos we can abscond with from other, better photographer's Instagram feeds. Click the pic to be magically teleported.


“Anyone can fucking make a resin tint. And anyone can make a bat-wing-quad-swallow-tail wood keel. Spend some time and do it. It’s bitchin’. (But) it’s a hobby.”

(An addendum from Toddy: I think I should say that I don't think the boards in the show are shitty. I think I say that a few times in the interview. But I was hopped up on caffeine see, and I was thinking more along the lines to a preponderance of non "high performance" standard shapes. And that's the special sauce. The weird stuff. The "shitty" stuff. And then of course I watch all these boards march through the door this year and I remember how incredible the craftsmanship is on the boards. Just over the top. And I think to myself "hmmm probably shouldn't have called those boards shitty. Someone isn't gonna get my perticular vocabulary...")



The hits keep coming. Along with Andreea Waters' SURF NYC images on show in the main gallery space at IDNW, we will be presenting an exhibition of John Schultz' documentary images of the shaping of one of Andrew Kidman's legendary Dreamboards... along with the Dreamboard itself. Opening in our bespoke "shaping bay" space along with the main show on Saturday the 14th.


It Doesn't Not Work (III)

Pushing The Outer Limits of Pure Surf Design

Show Schedule

SMASH Productions & Picture Farm Gallery is pleased to announce the run of show for It Doesn’t Not Work III: Pushing The Outer Limits of Pure Surf Design. The Exhibit will kick off Saturday, May 13th, 4PM at Picture Farm Gallery (338 Wythe Ave, Brooklyn, NY). Local surfboard shapers, hobbyists, creative individuals and such will be on hand displaying their latest creations & oddities.  The general public will have the opportunity to engage all these surfboard designers on their concepts and gain insight into the creative process of shaping surfboards.

It Doesn’t Not Work is a surf craft design event that explores the process of the art & craft of surf-riding design and a presentation of experimental shapes, work-in-progress projects and tried-and-true formulas.

In addition to the surfboard exhibit, It Doesn’t Not Work will run in conjunction with the NY Fish Fry (swell permitting) and will allow surfers and shapers to give these experimental designs a test ride. The NY Fish Fry will take place at Grand street, Long Beach, NY during the weekend of IDNW, May 14-15th, 2016.  The Call will be made for which day the Fish Fry will run by Thursday May 12th. Go to www.smashsurf.com or www.pilgrimsurfsupply.com to find out!

It Doesn’t Not Work is free and open to the public.

Below is a schedule of events and the shapers participating in this years show.

Location: Picture Farm Gallery: 338 Wythe Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11249

Dates: Saturday April 25th & Sunday April 26th

Saturday or Sunday, May 14th or 15th


  • The NY Fish Fry has become a staple in NY surf culture over the last 6 years. It’s a great time. Completely grass roots, no tents, no sponsors, no commercialism at all. Just a great opportunity for friends and like minded surfers to come together and try out new and old boards. It doesn’t get much better than that.

  • Saturday or Sunday May 14th or 15th, 9AM-12PM.

  • Location: Grand Street, Long Beach, NY.

Saturday, May 14th

  • It Doesn’t Not Work Opening Day

  • 4PM-10PM: Show Opens to the Public

  • 10PM: After Party Drinks at a The Crown Victoria: 60 S 2nd St, Brooklyn, NY 11249

Sunday, May 15th

  • Final Day of Show

    • 11AM: Show Opens

    • 12PM: Potluck Shaper’s BBQ

    • 4PM: Closing of It Doesn’t Not Work

List of Participating Shapers: Kai Hovland, John O'Reilly, Kevin Brennan, Tyler Jorgenson, David Tomasetti, Douglas Rella, Andrew Saklas, Jayme Noe, Johnny Borbone, Jeff Taylor, George Nickoll, Matt Dimler, Mike Lukens, Kyle Black, Jordan Griska, Brandon Ells, Jacques Beriau, Erika Matyok, Bryan Doring, Paul Schmidt, Jimmy Dowd, Derek Connor, Scott Szegeski, Mamoun Nukmanu Friedrich-Grosvenor, J Scott Klossner, Mike 'Ming' Miyahira, Ben Gallegos, Jeremy Grosvenor, Michael Leach, David Murphy, Kris Chatterson, Christian Boalt.

In addition to the It Doesn’t Not Work show, Picture Farm Gallery is proud to announce the book launch and reception party for Andreea Waters: SURF NYC at Picture Farm Gallery in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on Friday, May 13th from 6-9PM.

Joining the SURF NYC photos in a special exhibit starting Saturday the 14th will be John Shultz’ photographic essay about the shaping of the Kidman Dreamboard.

It Doesn’t Not Work is proudly supported by The Surfrider Foundation NYC Chapter, Austin Eastciders, Narragansett Lager, & Ace Coffee.

It Doesn’t Not Work is pleased to be partnering with Boardporn.TV and stoked that WAX Magazine is crafting bespoke exhibition catalogues for the event.

For More information go to www.itdoesntnotwork.com or email: someone@itdoesntnotwork.com




IT DOESN'T NOT WORK is proud to announce our kick off reception party Friday the 13th of May will feature the presentation of Andreea Water's SURF NYC surf photography book. 

"New York surfing is mad. Breaks are hard to access, waves are inconsistent, winter (which produces the best waves) is brutal. You might risk almost anything just so you don t hear those famous words, You should have been here an hour ago. Follow dedicated wave hunters to the end of the A-train and beyond and peek into this passionate way of life through authentic photography and several surfers personal journeys. Discover what it takes to brave the cold Atlantic Ocean and get a fresh insight on the Big Apple s hidden surf subculture. An adventurous photographer has developed relationships with local surfers, absorbed scarcely available knowledge about the ocean and climate, and placed herself in these elements without reservation. To respect the locals and their underground culture, there is no mention of where the specific action takes place. Locations may include Rockaway, Montauk, Long Beach, Lido Beach, and Northern New Jersey."

Picture Farm Gallery
338 Wythe Ave

Brooklyn, NY